Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goodbye My Dreams

Let me start this thing with a BIG SIGH *sigh*

Time really flows too fast. I'm just blinking once and they tell me that I'm in my last year of senior high school now. I'm quite glad that I have a chance to graduate next year; on the other hand, I'm quite depressed, too. Once I graduate, I'll be bloody in hell. seriously.

I still don't know what university I should go to or what major I will take. It's not like I don't think about it. I've thought about it since the beginning of my senior high.

I want to be an architect, a successful architect.
I want to have a further education outside of my country, Japan maybe?

Whatever my dreams are, what I know is those won't ever gonna be reality.  
Reality is not always a place where your dreams come true... not for me at least.


I've learned to accept my destiny.

Sayōnara no yume

Good Bye, My Dreams . . .

Although I can't be the one I wanted to be, 
although I've to throw away my dreams, 
I won't give my live up.
I'll still lead my life in optimism.
I will still be a fabulous person one day...
I wanna be a successful person no matter what!

"Go find a new dream". –Flynn Rider (Tangled)

Fairy tale doesn't exist in your life the way you want it to be,
but it doesn't mean your life is over.
With love,

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